Dear readers of sport&beauty. In a previous post we started talking about celebrity piercings. We learnt that most celebrities choose the belly button or the nose to sport a piercing. Today we are going to dedicate this post to the rest of the body parts also suitable for a piercing. We’ll start with the ear. The was perhaps the first one the humans tried to do due to the fact that this part of the body is quite easy to pierce. The world’s oldest mummified body (more than 5000 years old), discovered in an Austrian glacier in 1991, had its ears pierced with holes of a diameter from 7 to 11 millimeters. Originally ears were pierced for magical purposes as many primitive tribes believed that demons entered the human body through them but they could be repelled by wearing metal ear piercings. Sailors used to pierce their ear to improve their sight and if in the event of a shipwreck their bodies were washed ashore it was a sign to give them a Christian burial. As you can see in the following pictures many celebrities such as Hilary Duff, Kate Moss, Miley Cyrus, Alyssa Milano, and Lindsay Lohan show off their ear piercing proudly.
Some scholars claim that nipple piercings date back to the Roman Empire when centurions wore reinforced leather plates to protect their chest. This led them to ensure that nipples were pierced with rings from which hung a cape. Another theory says that nipple piercings became popular in the late 1890,s when the “Bosom Ring” came into fashion. These rings, that were sold in the finest Paris jewellery shops, pierced women’s nipples and were so fashionable that some women wore a ring in each nipple linking then with a smart chain. It seems that the aforementioned rings enlarged the nipples and kept them in a long-lasting state of joy and happiness. The nipple piercing was also a custom of the Texas Karankawa Indians and is still worn by women of the Kabyla nomad tribe in the Algerian mountains. Between the benefits provided by the nipple piercing we can highlight the increase in size, sensitivity and ability to attract members of the opposite sex. Its advocates claim that the nipple piercing is not painful but extremely comfortable. Some celebrities have joined this fashion enthusiastically. As an example, we will cite Rihanna who added a nipple piercing to her already pierced earlobe.
We’ll finish today’s post talking about the tongue piercing. It was an old practice of the ancient Maya and Aztec civilizations and the Haida, Kwakiutul and Tinglit tribes from the Northwestern part of America. Originally, the tongue was pierced so that the blood could invoke the Gods and achieve a favorable state of mind so the sorcerer could communicate with them. The tongue piercing is striking and provocative and some say it’s fantastic when it comes to do certain kind of funny things using the tongue (I can’t imagine what kind of funny things they are referring to). It has an important advantage too. Nobody will notice it if you don’t want to. Janet Jackson, Mel B and Drew Barrymore are some examples of celebrities that decided to wear a piercing in their tongue. To finish our post I'll leave a slideshow with some pictures of celebrities showing off their piercings. Best regards.