Dear readers of sport&beauty. Today we are going to talk about tattoos and celebrities. Nevertheless, before starting to show you the best celebrity tattoos, we’ll do a didactic introduction about tattos. Not so long ago, tattoos were considered as a distinctive feature of sailors, inmates, fugitives and foreign legionnaires. However, nowadays tattoos are all the rage. Both, men and women, like to embellish their skin with the most varied tattoos. There are tattoos of all shapes, sizes and colors. They range from tribal ones, spiderwebs tattoed on the arm or back or roses tattoed on the shoulder, to letters tattoed on the neck and the weirdest drawings placed on the most incredible places. The word “tattoo" comes from the Samoan term “tátau", which in turn, means hit twice. A tattoo is a penetrating injury to the deepest layers of the skin that is filled with ink afterwards. Tattoos are made penetrating the skin with a needle and injecting ink in the area to create some kind of drawing. The reason why tattoos last for so long is that they are very deep. The ink is injected into the dermis, the second deepest skin layer whose cells are very stable turning the tattoo into a perennial feature.

Now let’s get down to work and start talking about the best celebrity tattoos. Say hello to our first guest, Angelina Jolie. Angelina Jolie’s body looks like a parchement or a cartoon. There is hardly any room left to make another tattoo. On her arm, over an old drawing representing a dragon with the name of ex-husband Billy Bob Thorton, she tattooed the grid coordinates of the places where her children were born. On her back, Angelina sports a tattoo made in Bangkok. Five columns in Khmer writing, an ancient Cambodian writing, that bring good luck and health. If you come up against Angelina’s back you will be able to read the inscription “know your rights” tattooed on her neck. She also tattooed the Chinese letter “H” on the inner part of her left wrist. On her right forearm she tattood the Arab word “ilazima” that means “level of wealth”. Although most tattooes are usually covered by her clothes, the truth is that Angelina’s body looks like a tattoo gallery. On her back she sports an enormous dragon, on her groin a cross with a motto in Latin language: “what nurtures me destroys me”. Jolie’s tattoos are famous to the extent that someone has manufactured t-shirts featuring all of them. Here you are the pictures of Angelina Jolie’s tattoos.

South African actress Charlize Theron is as gorgeous as Jolie but much more discreet. Charlize had a tattoo done in the only part of the body Angelina has still free of them. The beautiful South African actress got a nice flower tattooed on her foot and another on her ankle.

Spanish actress and Oscar winner, Penelope Cruz is also discreet when it comes to decorate her body. Perhaps the reason is that she doesn’t need it to look always great. The beautiful Penelope got the number 883 tattooed on her ankle. The mistery was explained by numerology expert Christine Delorey. According to Christine, the meaning of Penelope’s tattoo is the following: 8 and 3 are the numbers ruling Penelope’s life. Number 8 means money, power and success and number 3 refers to prowess in communication and creativity. The task of the second 8 is to reinforce the role of the first one. Penelope is hard-working and aggressive and wants to excel in everything concerning her career.

Controversial American actress Lindsay Lohan got the words “La Bella Vita” (The beautiful life) tattooed on her lower back. It goes without saying that Lindsay follows her motto to the letter.

American actress Jessica Alba sports a small daisy with a ladybug on the back of her neck, the sanskrit symbol for lotus flower (padma)on her wrist and a bow on her lower back.

Jessica Biel must be an animal lover because she has a small bird tattooed just over the bikini line.

Beautiful American actress Megan Fox also has every square inch tattooed. Megan tattooed Marilyn Monroe’s face on her forearm, she has a star tattooed on her ankle and a sentence from Shakespeare’s “King Lear” (We will all laugh at gilded butterflies) tattooed on her shoulder. She also got her husband’s name Brian tattooed close to her groin.

American actress and desperate woman Eva Longoria is also part of our team of tattooed celebrities. Eva has a small star tattooed on her left wrist.

Canadian-born actress and former Baywatch Pamela Anderson also sports several tattoos. She got a barbed wire tattooed on her arm and the Word “mami” (to replace the word Tommy) on a finger. She also tattooed her ankle.

Pop star Rihanna has a sign tatooed under her ear and a treble clef and a musical note on her ankle. She has also a tattoo of a small star constellation jutting out from behind her neck and continuing along her back.

American actress Sienna Miller has a tattoo of three five pointed stars on her right shoulder.

Melanie Griffith shows off her love for her husband Antonio Banderas sporting a tattooed heart with the name of Antonio written in the center.

Victoria Beckham is a must in any kind of fashion and trendsetting list. Her short hairstyle unveils some letters in Hebrew tattooed on the back of her neck.

There are also models on our list of tattooed celebrities. Like Eva Longoria, Gisele Bundchen the world’s highest paid model, got her wrist tattooed with a little star.

Britney Spears sports four well-known tattoos. A little angel on her back, a ring around a toe, another one above her bikini line, and a butterfly on her right foot to let us know she’s free like a butterfly.

Former tennis player and Enrique Iglesias’ girlfriend, Russian Anna Kournikova sports a nice tattoo on her lower back.
We'll finish today's post talking about Sophie Anderton. Model and TV star Sophie Anderton got a lotus flower tattooed in her lower back. Best regards.