Dear readers of sport&beauty. Today’s article is going to be dedicated to Formula One motor racing. I must admit that I’m a Formula One motor racing buff. Whenever they are on TV I always watch them and I don’t miss even the qualifying sessions. You’ll probably wonder why I like Formula One so much or about my favorite driver or racing team. None. You are wrong if you think that I usually follow Formula One races because of the drivers or the cars. I only know very few names such as Fernando Alonso or Lewis Hamilton. The reason why I follow the races is the beautiful Formula One umbrella girls. Didn’t you notice that the stands and the pit lane are riddled with gorgeous girls? Why? Perhaps they want to meet one of those wealthy drivers in order to get around. Pay attention to this post and you’ll see that I’m completely right.

I can assure you that I wouldn’t be able to become a Formula One driver. Do you want to know the reason? As you will have noticed, before the traffic lights go green, a bunch of gorgeous girls (usually wearing risqué outfits even in January) show up on the tarmac carrying a big umbrella. It doesn’t matter whether it’s cloudy or sunny. There they are carrying their umbrellas and smiling next to their assigned drivers. The closer to the pole position the driver is, the prettier the umbrella girl he has. If I were a Formula One driver, I would do my best to postpone the start of the race to be with my umbrella girl for as long as possible. You can see that the pilot in the first picture is not in a harry to put on his helmet. Once the race had started I would probably have an accident because I would turn my head to look at these gorgeous pit babes displaying the signboards with information about the remaining laps, lap times and advantage over the other drivers.

In the event I had won the race, I would stay with them in my pit showering them in champagne instead of going up the podium to receive the winner's trophy and the flower bouquet. Here you are some of these gorgeous pit girls I usually dream of.

What is true is that if you are not a top driver, you are not entitled to have a beautiful umbrella girl at your disposal. You have to fend for yourself and call your female friends if you don’t want to get burned by the sun.

Let’s talk a bit about Formula One girls. In my opinion, Ferrari girls are the best by far. They are capable of making the engines roar at 10000 RPM. Were these girls in my team I would drive at the speed of light. I'll give them ten points. They are more powerful than a Mercedes-Benz engine.

McLaren Mercedes team don’t want to be left behind. The silver arrows are always full steam ahead.

Foster's girls are always present in the starting grid. They are really good at holding the signboards and giving top drivers like Michael Schumacher a big hand. Lucky guy!!

Some of these girls are really smart and only want to be photographed with great champions such as Fernando Alonso or Michael Schumacher. No room for average drivers.

I hope that after reading this post, you will now have a clear picture about the reasons why motor sports are all the rage nowadays. You are wrong if you think that the reason why people usually go to the circuits (that smell like burned rubber or diesel) is to cheer Fernando Alonso or Lewis Hamilton. They go because of the beautiful Formula One pit babes. Here you are the team I’m preparing for the next season. They will help me fix the car, change the tires and fill the tank. Do you like them? To conclude with the post I’ll leave a video of the most gorgeous pit and umbrella girls. Best regards.